Solar Power Q & A



Let’s have a look at the differences between OFF-GRID and ON-GRID Solar Power systems. the power generation process is the same, but how it utilizes that energy to help reduce power bills is totally different.

Solar Power is sent to the grid.Solar Power is used to power the premise (home/office)
You will be (money/units) credited for the energy sent to the gridYou will be not connected to the Grid, Hence you will not be charged
You do not have electric power if the grid goes downYou are independent of the Grid – so no Interruptions to electricity
No effect on the savings with the usage time of the dayYou have to use electricity in the daytime to get the best savings
No need for backup batteries – The grid act as a battery at nightNeed an expensive battery backup to store energy for the night
You can get bank loans in Sri Lanka (Conditioned applied)Off-GRID Systems are not covered under bank loans
Suitable for people who use electricity in all-daySuitable for homes, and offices that utilize energy in the day time

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